Silicon Rio is a 6 weeks co-creation lab where you will build your digital business from scratch. We will guide you through the process, but more importantly provide you with our tech team and business mentors advice and support.
We will co-create together a company of your dream.

Build your startup company from scratch to a ready-to-market stage per 2,500 EUR
Week 1
Week 1
Idea validation
You will validate your idea using a design thinking approach
Week 2
Week 2
You will build a first prototype of your product
Week 3
Week 3
Marketing plan
You will design and launch the product and with a built sales strategy.
Week 4-6
Week 4-6
Traction and Partnership
Focused on the acquisition of the first 1000 users and pitch to mentors and investors.
We are looking for enthusiastic teams hungry of entrepreneurship.

If you have an idea or a digital solution of a problem you or other people experience, if you believe this problem is big and painful enough to grow a scalable business, please apply.

No matter you are a student, a freelancer or senior professional, you should be eager to finalize an MVP during an intensive six-week program and focus on something that inspires you most.
For Whom?
What you get from the program?
How digital products are designed and delivered
How to pitch your business idea in the most compelling way
How new technologies such as Blockchain disrupt industries
How to research your market and test you idea quickly,using the approach "fail quick, fail cheap"
How to validate your business idea with proven methodologies such as Design Thinking, Business Model Canvas and Lean Startup
  • Your Minimum Viable Product developed (MVP)
  • Your functional prototype tested on real users
  • Imaguru tech team support and co-creation efforts
  • Market and sales strategy built
  • Business development advice form Imaguru international network of mentors, and finally
  • Self esteem and recognition from entrepreneurial community to take risk, courage and effort to do something you were dreaming about - build a company of your dream
  • Clear and transparent response to the most important question of your life - whether the idea of your dream can turn into a viable business product
Nuestras ventajas
Have the courage to take risk and embrace innovation
Each week you will focus on a specific milestone and rewarded for your achievement.
Our program takes you through the real-life process of building a startup from idea to market and gives you the tools and support to make it happen.
You are not alone.
You have full access to our tech and business support.
We like get things done. Silicon Rio is not just an education program. It is a making/creation lab where you really build your product during 6 weeks period. As a result you will have a functional prototype ready and tested.
Why We are Different
We are proud of our engineering and development expertise to which you will have access during all the program.
Why We are Different
We use experiential learning tools and methods proved working well on 300+ Imaguru startups. Among our companies are MSQRD, PandaDoc, TrackDuck and many other international startups with millions of users globally.
Why We are Different
We like get things done. Silicon Rio is not just an education program. It is a making/creation lab where you really build your product during 6 weeks period. As a result you will have a functional prototype ready and tested.
Why We are Different
It is a co-creation process. You will build your company together with our tech and business mentors.
Why We are Different
We are an international multicultural team with a diverse experience including web and blockchain development, product management, innovation development, startups growth and investments.
Why We are Different
We learn together, help each other and collaborate. Our Principe is Work Hard - Party Harder. Each week we will have teambuilding activities: visits to museums and excursions. We share knowledge and experience and have fun.
Teambuilding and Community Creation
Build your startup company from scratch to a ready-to-market stage per 2,500 EUR